I-China EXPANSION ANCHOR BOLT Umkhiqizi & Umhlinzeki | Ruiye


Incazelo emfushane:

Ukuqothula komhlaba: Isiliva / Ephuzi

Uhlobo: Ukunwetshwa kwe-Anchor bolt / Hex Head Sleeve Anchor / Evalator Anchor Bolt

Ubukhulu: M6-M24, elinye usayizi lingahunyushwa ngokwezifiso ngokufanele

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Amathegi Omkhiqizo


 Isikhombi sohlobo lwe-anchor bolch bolts Ama-Hard Duty Extension Anchors


I-extension bolt "yigama elejwayelekile elisho izinto ezintathu zokubopha ezihlanganisiwe zihlanganisiwe: isigaxa esigoqiwe, umndla olingene kahle kanye nomhlangano wokunwebeka owandayo. Lapho behlangene ndawonye, ​​amandla akhiqizwa phakathi kwe-nati nebolt (lapho kuqinisiwe) kuphoqa ukwanda kwangaphandle yomhlangano wesikhwama, ngaleyo ndlela usonga izinto ezibonakalayo umkhono ufakwe kuwo. Zivame ukusetshenziswa kakhulu ezintweni ezenziwe ngobucwebecwebe ezifana nezitini, ukhonkolo kanye namatshe okusebenzisa lapho kungasebenzi khona imicu yendabuko. kuyaqondakala, futhi kungahle kusetshenziswe kuzicelo ezengeziwe zomsebenzi osindayo lapho amandla amakhulu ebamba khona.

 Ungayisebenzisa Kanjani Ububanzi Bokwanda

Isinyathelo 1
Thola ukuthi yiluphi usayizi wokuqina oludingekayo kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza. Ukufakwa okuvamile kokuvikela imilenze yensimbi yomshini phansi kokhonkolo, ngokwesibonelo, kungadinga ibhulashi elilodwa lokunwebeka umlenze ngamunye, ngalinye linwebeka ngo-3/8 intshi ububanzi ngamasentimitha amathathu.

Isinyathelo 2
Maka indawo yezindawo ezinwetshelwa kuzo indawo lapho kufakwa khona izitezi ezansi - yilapho ibholodi lizovikeleka khona phansi. Imishini eminingi esindayo inezimbobo ezazigxishwe ezinyaweni (emilenzeni) ngenxa yale njongo. Maka indawo yazo zonke izikhonkwane kukhonkolo ngasikhathi sinye nomaki, ukuze zihlanganiswe ngokufanelekile zihlobene.

Isinyathelo 3
Shayela usayizi ofanele nomgodi wokujula kwehange ngalinye. Usayizi ofanele wembobo uzohlinzekwa ngumenzi we-anchor bolt, ovame ukufakwa ilebula ngqo ebhokisini. Umthetho wesithupha ngukuthi nge-1/4 intshi, sebenzisa ibhethri elingu-1/2 intshi; kwe-anchor engu-3/8 intshi, sebenzisa i-5 / intshi encane yokushayela, njll. Ukujula komgodi kunqunywa ngokuqinisekisa ukuthi i-nati inganamathisela ebhuthini (ihange) ngokufaka imicu eyanele ukuze ikhukhulwe ngokwenele ( imvamisa yama-nati angama-360 aphelele ama-nati

Isinyathelo 4
Faka ihange emgodini. Qiniseka ukuthi ihange liphumula ezansi komgodi wangaphambi kokumba ngaphambi kokuqhubeka. Thepha kancane ihange (usebenzisa isando) uze uqiniseke ukuthi lisendaweni yalo efanele. Susa i-nati ku-anchor. Okulandelayo, faka ithuluzi le-anchor esiqongweni sehange lokungcwaba (ithuluzi lizofakwa ne-anchor (s) kit). Shaya ithuluzi le-anchor ngokuqinile amahlandla amathathu noma amane, elizokwandisa umkhono wehange ngokwanele ukuvumela inqubo yokwanda iqale lapho i-nut iqinisiwe.

Isinyathelo 5
Faka i-bolt kudivayisi evikelekile bese uyifaka ku-ihange (elisafihlwa). Qinisa umunyu enanini elifiselekayo le-torque, noma kuze kube yilapho liqinile uma kungekho mininingwane ye-torque etholakalayo.

 Izinto ezidinga ukunakwa


Njalo sebenzisa usayizi womshini obekiwe wokukhiqiza lapho ubumba izimbobo zokubopha ihange. Uma ikalwa ngendlela engafanele, ihange kungenzeka lingabi namandla anele okubamba insimbi ye-anchored ngokuphephile (ihange lizobe likhululeke kakhulu).


Musa ukubeka ngaphezulu i-nati. Izosihlwitha isicibisholo ngezansi kobuso bokubekwa lapho ihange lifakwe khona.

Ukukhonjiswa Komkhiqizo


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