Xitoy tishli Rod / Stud Bolt DIN975 ishlab chiqaruvchisi va etkazib beruvchisi | Ruiye

Tishli Rod / Stud Bolt DIN975

Qisqa Tasvir:


Standart: DIN975 / BSW standarti / ASTM standarti

Diametri: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm ... yoki 6/15 "dan 5/8" gacha 

Uzunligi: 1 metr, 2metr, 3metr…

Yuzaki qoplama: rux / tekis rang

Mahsulot tafsiloti

Mahsulot teglari

DIN975 tishli novda, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan 201 304 316 to'liq ipli murvat bilan ta'minlovchi. 1m 2m 3m turli diametrli turli xil uzunliklar.

Rang: kumush / ko'k oq


Qadoqlash tafsilotlari: plastik to'rva ichida mahsulotning katta qismi → yog'och sxemasidan;

Yetkazib berish: havo, dengiz yoki ekspress xizmat orqali

To'lov shartlari: T / T, Western Union


Tish ipi nima?

Tishli novda, shuningdek, novda sifatida ham tanilgan, nisbatan uzun uzunlikdagi novda bo'lib, u ikkala uchida ham o'ralgan; ip novda to'liq uzunligi bo'ylab cho'zilishi mumkin. Ular kuchlanish sharoitida foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan. Bar stok shaklida tishli novda ko'pincha butun ip deb nomlanadi.


With respect to shape, stud bolts a.k.a. studs are categorized into 3 basic types: "Fully Threaded Stud Bolts", "Tap End Stud Bolts", and "Double End Stud Bolts". Each of these studs have different application. As name suggests, fully threaded studs have full body coverage with threads for full engagement of the matings nuts or similar parts. Tap end studs have threads at extreme ends of the body with unequal thread engagement length, while double end stud bolts have equal thread length at both ends. Apart from these there are stud bolts for flanges which are fully threaded studs with chamfered ends, and double end studs with reduced shank for special bolting applications. For studs that are not completely threaded, there are two types of studs: to'liq ishlaydigan  novdalar va  ostki  mixlar. To'liq ishlaydigan novdalar ipning asosiy diametriga teng bo'lgan shankka ega. Teri ostidagi vintlardek vintlardek ipning diametriga teng bo'lgan qisqichga ega. Teri ostidagi tirgaklar eksenel kuchlanishlarni yaxshiroq tarqatish uchun mo'ljallangan. To'liq tishli aravachada siqilish iplarga qaraganda ko'proq bo'ladi.



Qo'shimcha savol yoki tafsilotlarni tasdiqlash, biz bilan bog'laning.

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