China Yellow Zinc Yakaturikwa Linch Yakakwira Yakachengeteka Khiya Pini kugadzirwa muChina China11023 Vagadziri & Vanotengesa | Ruiye

Yero Zinc Yakatemwa Yakadzika Yakakwira Kwekuchengeteka Khiya Pini kugadzirwa muChina China11023

Pfupi Tsananguro:

Chigadzirwa Chigadzirwa: Dziviriro Kiyi Pini

Chinyorwa: Simbi yekabhoni

Kumusoro Kupedzisa: Sirivheri

Standard: DIN GB

Isiri-standard: OEM inowanikwa kana iwe uchipa dhiziri kana samples

Certification: ISO9001, SGS

Kuisa Maitiro: Gunny Bhegi / Wakarukwa bhegi, makatoni, mapallet, kana sekukumbira kwako.

Chigadzirwa Nhamba

Chigadzirwa Matagi

Linch pini: 
DIN11023, linch pini, Wire Lock Pini, kukiya pini Zvishongedzo
: Carbon Simbi / Stainless Simbi
Wiresi Chinyorwa: Spring Steel
Surface kurapwa: Yero zinc yakarongedzwa, zinc yakarongedzwa, bani,
Reference M huwandu: M4.5-M12
Reference urefu : 30mm-90mm
Hukuru hwese kana kugadzira zvinoenderana nechikumbiro chako

Linch pini dzinowanzo shandiswa kurima indasitiri yekuchengetedza zvishandiso pane iyo matatu point hitch a. Linch pini inogona kushandiswawo munzvimbo ye an kuchengetedza hitch mapini


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Pini yekuchengetedza ndeyekusiyana kwepini yenguva dzose iyo inosanganisira yakapusa yemuchina mashandiro uye kubatwa. Iyo clasp inobatsira zvinangwa zviviri: kugadzira chigaro chakavharika ipapo nekumhanyisa pini kune chero chinhu chakaiswa, uye kuvhara kumagumo epini kuchengetedza mushandisi kubva pakapinza chinhu.

Safety pins are commonly used to fasten pieces of fabric or clothing together. Safety pins, or more usually a special version with an extra safe cover, called a nappy pin, or loincloth pin, are widely used to fasten cloth diapers (nappies), or modern loincloths, as the safety clasp, while remaining ingestion hazard,[1] prevents the baby girl or boy from being jabbed. Similarly, they can be used to patch torn or damaged clothing. Safety pins can also be used as an accessory in jewelry, like earrings, chains, and wristbands. Sometimes they are used to attach an embroidered patch. Size 3 is often used in quilting and may be labelled for purchase as a "quilting pin". Size 4 and larger may be called "blanket pins" and deemed acceptable as kilt pins for informal dress, depending upon design and appearance.

Pini yakarodzwa, iyo yakabatanidzwa kune waya yakasunganidzwa yakabatana ne cap iyo inobatanidzwa kumucheto waya. Kusundira chipini pakuvhura kwe cap kunochengetedza kuchengeteka kwepini, uye clasp ndiyo yakavharwa.



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