Vagadziri vekumusoro Anka M6 M36 Stainless Simbi Thread Bar Ss 316 A4-70 A4-80 Thread Rod.
Bhizinesi redu kubvira kwarakatanga, rinogara richikoshesa zvigadzirwa zvakanaka sehupenyu hwesangano, rinogara richinatsiridza tekinoroji yekugadzira, kusimbisa kutengesa zvakakwirira uye nekuenderera mberi nekusimbisa bhizinesi rizere maitiro emhando yepamusoro, zvichiteerana chaizvo neyakaenzana nyika ISO 9001: 2000 yeVatengi veMusoro Anka M6 M36 Stainless Steel Thread Bar SS 316 A4-70 A4-80 Thread Rod , Each of the time, we've got been paying notice on all particulars to insure each item happy by our consumers.
Bhizinesi redu kubvira kwarakatanga, rinogara richikoshesa zvigadzirwa zvemhando yepamusoro sehupenyu hwesangano, rinogara richinatsiridza tekinoroji yekugadzira, kusimbisa kutengesa zvakakwirira uye nekuenderera mberi nekusimbisa bhizinesi rizere maitiro emhando yepamusoro, zvichiteerana chaizvo neyakaenzana nyika ISO 9001: 2000 ye Stainless Steel Thread Rod. ,Thread Bar ,Thread Rod , With all these supports, we can serve every customer with quality product and timely shipping with highly responsibility. Being a young growing company, we might not the best, but we're trying our best to be your good partner.
Tsvimbo Tsvimbo DIN975, isimbi isina tsvina 201 304 316 yakazara tambo Stud bhagi mutengesi. 1m 2m 3m kureba nehuremu hwakasiyana.
Ruvara: sirivheri / bhuruu chena
Kutakura zvinhu: Chigadzirwa chakawanda muhomwe yepurasitiki → Wood pallet;
Dhirivhari: Nemhepo, negungwa kana neine service
Mari yekubhadhara: T / T, Western Union
Chii chinonzi tsvimbo?
Tsvimbo yakashongedzwa, inozivikanwawo seti, ndiyo tsvimbo refu yakaganhurwa pamicheto miviri; tambo yacho ingawedzera pakureba kwetsvimbo. Yakagadzirwa kuti ishandiswe mukutambudzika. Tsvimbo yakatsikwa mubhari stock form inowanzoidzwa zvese-tambo.
With respect to shape, stud bolts a.k.a. studs are categorized into 3 basic types: "Fully Threaded Stud Bolts", "Tap End Stud Bolts", and "Double End Stud Bolts". Each of these studs have different application. As name suggests, fully threaded studs have full body coverage with threads for full engagement of the matings nuts or similar parts. Tap end studs have threads at extreme ends of the body with unequal thread engagement length, while double end stud bolts have equal thread length at both ends. Apart from these there are stud bolts for flanges which are fully threaded studs with chamfered ends, and double end studs with reduced shank for special bolting applications. For studs that are not completely threaded, there are two types of studs: akazara muviri wemurume, uye ari pasi pekudzidzira. Tsitsi dzakazara-dzakave neshanga yakaenzana nehupamhi hwetambo. Undercut studs ine shank yakaenzana neye pitch diimita ye screw thread. Undercut studs rakagadzirirwa kugovera zviri nani axial kusagadzikana. Mune yakazara yakazara harahwa kushushikana kwakanyanya mune tambo kupfuura mune shank.
Mubvunzo wakawanda kana kusimbiswa kwechinyorwa ndapota taura nesu.