Fekita inogadzira 4pcs Inorema Duty Shell / nhoo Anchors, Gadzirisa Bolts
we are able to provide good quality items, aggressive rate and best shopper assistance. Our destination is "You come here with difficulty and we provide you with a smile to take away" for Factory making 4pcs Yakakura Duty Shell / nhoo Anchors , Gadzirisa Bolts , Welcome around the world customers to make contact with us for enterprise and long-term cooperation. We're going to be your trustworthy partner and supplier of auto pieces and accessories in China.
we are able to provide good quality items, aggressive rate and best shopper assistance. Our destination is "You come here with difficulty and we provide you with a smile to take away" for Gadzirisa Bolts ,Yakakura Duty ,Shell / nhoo Anchors , Mumakore gumi ekushanda, kambani yedu inomboedza nepatinogona napo kuunza kugutsikana kwekushandiswa kwemushandisi, yakazvivakira zita rechinzvimbo uye chinzvimbo chakasimba mumusika wepasi rese nevehukama hukuru vanobva munyika dzakawanda seGermany, Israel, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Italy, Argentina, France, Brazil, zvichingodaro. Chekupedzisira asi chisiri chidiki, mutengo wezvinhu zvedu wakanyatsokodzera uye uve nemakwikwi akakwirira nemamwe makambani.
4pcs sleeve anchororema rinorema basa kongiri anorema bolts
Chigadzirwa Tsanangudzo
Three Piece Yakakura Duty Shell Bolt is one of the anchor bolts, with 3 or 4 pieces shells made of stell pressed used to dirt and moisture is appreciated. The 4pcs heavy duty shield anchor bolt feasuring hex bolt, washer and shield. There are many types of anchor bolts, consisting of designs that are mostly proprietary. High retaing power and can be removed easily. When tightening the nut and screw the conical section is pulled into the anchor shells expanding it nd weding it inside the anchor base. which offering heavy duty for fastening. Generally, anchors expand and insert into the wall just like we sink a screw into it, creating an anchor point for equipment hanging. Without the anchor, a nail or s screw would just spin around and break out of the wall.
Zvigadzirwa zvacho isimbi isina tsvina, kabhoni simbi uye zvimwe zvinoshandiswa nesimbi. Anchor muviri unogona kushandiswa ne hex bolt, hovhoni bolt uye ziso bolt. Chikumbiro chekugadzirisa zvigadzirwa: plasterboard, gypsum fiber board, fiber simenti board, light huni particleboard, hardboard etc. Easy kuisa uye nyore. Easy kuti ufambe uye kutsiva apo yakashongedzwa zvakare imba. Uchishandisa dhizaini kuisa uye yaizochengeta iyo nzvimbo yepakutanga .Kuti uise, Chokutanga, dhiraivha gomba uye uchenese kunze gomba remarara zvese, wobva washandisa kuisa mudziyo uye nyundo kutyaira plugin. Saizi yakasiyana, mhando uye anchor anchor inowanika mumatura, kuti isvike pane zvinodiwa nevatengi uye kushandiswa.
Item zita |
3pcs 4pcs sleeve anchor inorema basa kongiri anokor bolts gadzirisa bolt |
Saizi |
M6-M24 kana yakarongedzwa saizi zvinoenderana nezvaunoda |
Ruvara |
Siliva / Yero / Bhuruu-chena etc. |
Giredhi |
4.8 5.8 6.8 8.8 nezvimwe |
Kurapa Kurapa |
Electro Galvanized / Kupisa galvanized |
Chinyorwa |
Carbon Simbi / Stainless simbi / Isimbi |
Nguva Yekutumira |
Mazuva 7-25 mushure mekubhadharwa kwawanikwa |
Mitemo Yekubhadhara |
L / C T / T D / A West Union Mari Gram |
Kurongedza |
Makatoni & Pallets kana maererano nezvinodiwa nemutengi. |
Nzira dzekutumira |
DHL / UPS Express Kutumirwa negungwa |
Sampula |
Mhando yemahara |
Yakagamuchirwa |
Zvakajairika chioce yekumhanyisa, iyo inopa yakanyanya kushushikana, ichipa yakakwirira kubata simba uye kukonzeresa kupikisa. Zviri nyore kuisa nezvakakodzera zvishandiso, zviri nyore kufamba uye kutsiva michina. Mitengo inokwikwidza nehunyanzvi fekitori kupa. Yakakwana yekumhanyisa mhinduro ine makore gumi ezviitiko kugadzirisa dambudziko rako: Wide range of zvikamu zosarudzwa. Durability kuyedza uye yakakosha dhizaini dhizaini kuti ikurudzire kusimbisa hupenyu. Mhando dzese dzakarembera dzinayo muchitokisi! Nguva pfupi yekuzvitakura, yakakwira mhando yakanaka yekurongedza.
Kuratidzwa Kwechigadzirwa
Q: Inguva yakareba sei yako yekuzvitakura nguva?
A: Kazhinji iwo mazuva mashanu kusvika mashanu kana zvinhu zviri muhomwe. kana kuti mazuva 15 - 20 kana zvinhu zvacho zvisiri muhomwe, zvinoenderana nehuwandu.
Q: Ndeipi miganho yako yekubhadhara?
A: Kubhadhara <= 1000USD, 100% pamberi. Kubhadhara> = 1000USD, 30% T / T pamberi, chiyero usati waendeswa.
Kana iwe uine mumwe mubvunzo, pls inzwa wakasununguka kutibata nesu sepazasi