China Mild Steel Hex Musoro DIN571 Wood Screw yeGanda Mugadziri & Mupi | Ruiye

Akapusa Hex Musoro DIN571 Wood Screw yehuni

Pfupi Tsananguro:

Chishongedzo: kabhoni simbi Q195, Q235 / stainless simbi

Kukura: M6 M8 M10 M12 M16…

Kureba: 25mm-160mm…

Kupedzisa pamusoro: galvanized

Chigadzirwa Nhamba

Chigadzirwa Matagi

Screw :

Chikwangwani imhando yeiyo inokurumidza kukurumidza, mune dzimwe nzira dzakafanana nebheti, kazhinji yakagadzirwa nesimbi, uye inozivikanwa neheartical ridge, inozivikanwa  semurume tambo  (external thread). Screw s are used to fasten materials by digging in and wedging into a material when turned, while the thread cuts grooves in the fastened material that may help pull fastened materials together and prevent pull-out. There are many screws for a variety of materials; those commonly fastened by screws include wood, sheet metal, and plastic.

Chikwangwani chinowanzove  nemusoro  pane imwe mugumo chine chimiro chakanyatsogadzirwa icho chinobvumira kutendeuka, kana  kufambiswa , nechishandiso. Zvishandiso zvakajairika zvekutyaira screws zvinosanganisira screwdrivers uye marangi. Musoro unowanzo kuve wakakura kupfuura wemuviri wechirevo, uyo unoita kuti banga rirege kutakurwa zvakadzika kupfuura urefu hwehurefu uye kupa nzvimbo  yakatakura

Chikamu chehuni:

Pakutanga hukomba hwakagadzirwa neruoko, neine mafaera, machira, uye zvimwe zvekucheka, uye izvi zvinogona kuoneka nyore nekucheresa kusarongeka kupatsanuka uye chimiro chematsetse, pamwe nemafaira faira akasara pamusoro wembambo. uye munzvimbo iri pakati pematambo. Mazhinji eaya screws aive nemucheka wakashata, achishaiwa zvachose rakapinza pombi padanho pane dzese dzanhasi matanda screws. Pakupedzisira, maveshes akashandiswa kugadzira huni screws, neyekutanga patent yakanyorwa muna 1760 muEngland. Munguva yemakore gumi nemakumi mairi nemakumi mashanu ekufungidzira maturusi akagadzirwa kuti ape yunifomu yakawanda uye yakaenderana Zvikwangwani zvakagadzirwa nemidziyo iyi zvakakomberedza mipata nemicheka yakapinza uye yakaoma. Mamwe matanda screw akagadzirwa nekucheka anofa kutanga kweye 1700s yapera (pamwe kunyangwe pasati pa 1678 apo bhuku rezvinyorwa rakatanga kubudiswa muzvikamu).

Kamwe chikwangwani chekucheka michina chaive chinoshandiswa zvakanyanya, zvakanyanya kutengesa zvinowanikwa huni screws zvakagadzirwa nenzira iyi. Aya matanda akachekwa matanda anenge angangoputirwa, uye kunyange kana iyo tapered shank isiri pachena, ivo vanogona kucherechedzwa nekuti tambo hadziwedzere kupfuura yapfuura dhayamita yeiyo shank. Masikono akadaro anonyanya kuisirwa mushure mekuchera gomba rekutyaidzira netaipi yakacherwa zvishoma. Iyo yakawanda yemazuva ano matanda screws, kunze kweiyo inogadzirwa nemhangura, inogadzirwa pamashini anodhonza machira. Aya mabanga ane dhayeti inogara ichikwenenzverwa, tambo ine dhayamita rakakura kupfuura shank, uye yakasimba nekuti maitiro ekukwevera haateme zviyo zveesimbi.



Chero chipi zvacho chinodiwa ndapota taura nesu.

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