DIPA 929 Hex weld maNuts / DIN 928 Mutsetse weld Nuts
Welding nut is a kind of nut suitable for welding outside the nut. It is generally made of weldable materials
and is thick and suitable for welding. Welding is equivalent to turning two separate parts into one body.
The metal is melted at high temperature and mixed After cooling down together, an alloy will be added in
the middle. The internal force is the role of molecular force, and the strength is generally greater than the
strength of the matrix. The experiment of welding parameters depends on the fusion size of the weld,
and the welding parameters are adjusted according to the fusion size until the defects are eliminated.
Of course, the quality of welding is related to the pre-welding treatment, such as cleaning, oil stains, etc.
A weld nut is a special type of nut specifically designed to be welded to another object (stud welding).
There are various types for different applications.
- Hex & mativi nuts
Idzi nzou dzakada kufanana neyakajairwa matanho kana hex nzungu, asi dzive neanowana bosi uye wedzinofungidzira. Iwo maboss zvakare anochengetedza weld spatter kunze kwetambo
Q1.Can iwe unopa yako customization basa?
A. Hungu, JM pakutanga inogadzira mabhesheni akajairwa, nzungu, screws, asi mumakore gumi nematatu apfuura, JM yakatogadzirisa zvinobudirira zvikamu makumi mashanu neshanu zvakagadziridzwa mumasaizi akasiyana
Q2.Ndedzipi zvinyorwa zvetsika zvakajeka zvaunogona kupa?
A.Generally, isu tinopa invoice dzekutengesa, zvinyorwa zvekutakura, mabheji ekutakurisa, zvitupa zvekuongorora, muedzo mushumo wesimbi uye CO (kana zvichidikanwa). Kana iwe uine zvimwe zvinodikanwa zvakakosha, ndapota tizivise isu, uye isu tichawana mhinduro kune iwe.JM inokwanisa kupa zvikamu zvakagadziriswa kwete chete ne-single-process, asiwo nehunyanzvi hwakasanganiswa hwemhizha. .
Q3.Mhando dzese dzakagadziriswa dzinoda muripo wechiumbwa here?
A. Haasi ese akagadziriswa zvikamu zvinodhura mari yekuumbwa. Semuenzaniso, chikamu chinotendeuka hachidi muumbwa asi zvichida maturusi akakodzera uye zvigadziridzo. JM inoshandisa mari yevashandi mukugadzira samples, saka inobhadharisa mimwe mienzaniso yemubhadharo.Iyo ichadzoserwa mushure mekuisa kodhi
Q4. Ndekupi mafekitori ako, ndinogona kushanya?
A. JM ine mafekitori.Takaisa mari mumafekitori mazhinji, ayo anonyanya kuwanikwa muShanghai uye Zhejiang Province. Unogona kushanyira mafekitori anoenderana zvichienderana nezvigadzirwa zvinotengwa. Ndapota inzwa wakasununguka kushanyira mafekitari edu uye tipe kutungamira. Tinogona kukutora panhandare yendege kana chechitima chechitima.