DIN127 simbi chitubu chetsime masiteki ekuvhara washers fekitori kuChina
Chigadzirwa Tsanangudzo
Chigadzirwa zita | DIN127 simbi chitubu chevhu washers chitubu cheki washers |
Saizi | M2-M30, inogona kuve yakasarudzika |
Standard | ISO, GB, DIN, BS, ANSI, JIS, Nonstandard |
Giredhi | 4.8 / 6.8 / 8.8 / 10.9 / 12.9 |
Inowanikwa Chinyorwa | 1. Stainless Simbi: SS201, SS303, SS304, SS316, SS410, SS420 |
2. Isimbi: C45 (K1045), C46 (K1046), C20, nezvimwe. | |
3. Brass: C36000 (C26800), C37700 (HPb59), C38500 (HPb58), C27200CuZn37), C28000 (CuZn40), nezvimwe. |
4. Bronze: C51000, C52100, C54400, nezvimwe. | |
5. Iron: 1213, 12L14, 1215, nezvimwe. | |
6. Aluminium: Al6061, Al6063, nezvimwe. | |
7. Carbon simbi: C1006, C1010, C1018, C1022, C1035K, C1045,12L14, nezvimwe. | |
8. Alloy simbi: SCM435,10B21, C10B33, nezvimwe. | |
Kurapa Kurapa | Galvanization, Nickel-plated, Nhema oxide, Dacromet |
Kubatsira | OEM / ODM / yakagadziriswa sevhisi yakapihwa |
Kudzora kwemhando | ISO yakajairika, 100% Yese huwandu hwakaongororwa kuburikidza neyakagadzirwa |
Chitupa | ISO9001: 2008, ISO14001: 2004 |
Mushure mekutengesa Service | Tichatevera mutengi wese uye tigadzirise matambudziko ako ese agutsikana mushure mekutengesa |
Spring washer:
Iyo washer yemuchero yakaiswa pasi pegaba kuitira kudzivirira iyo nati kubva mukusununguka.
Washers yemuchirimo inoshandiswa kudzivirira kusunungura. Flat washers haina anti-kusunungura basa. Flat washers inongowedzera nzvimbo yekusangana.
The flat pad is just to increase the contact area, and the spring pad can prevent loosening. For example, the bolt connecting the motor and the base is generally added with a spring pad, because if the motor vibrates without the spring pad, the nut will loosen and the fastening on the equipment with vibration is generally There are spring gaskets on the parts, and generally no gaskets are required on the flange! The addition of spring gaskets on the flange is related to the medium flowing through the pipeline. If pulses are easy to produce, it is best to add spring gaskets, as well as high speed. Fluids, calibers change frequently. Don't generalize. On some valves, stuffing box gland flanges need spring gaskets. Spring gaskets are included in Quick, Easy, and Optimal Selection.
Iyo furati padyo inoshandiswa kuwedzera nzvimbo yekukurumidza yekusangana. Iyo yekutanga pad pad inoshandiswa kune nzvimbo dzine vibration kudzivirira kusunungura. Iko hakuna kutsvaira kwemvura yekumhanyisa PVC flanges. Iyo padengaiti ndeyokuwedzera nzvimbo yekusangana uye kudzivirira kupesana pakati pebhawiti uye yebasa rekushanda; iyo yekudzivirira yemuchadenga ndeyekudzivirira iyo kuyerera kubva pakusununguka;