8 Zaka amagulitsa Hex n'kudzazilumikiza wamanja Kukula Anchor kopanda Anchor n'kudzazilumikiza
Ogwira ntchito athu kuyambira penipeni, zambiri za mankhwala khalidwe pamwamba moyo ntchito mobwerezabwereza patsogolo zotsimikizira luso, kusintha kwa mankhwala kwambiri ndi mosalekeza kulimbikitsa ogwira ntchito okwana apamwamba makonzedwe, mogwirizana ndi zonse mitundu muyezo ISO 9001: 2000 chifukwa 8 Zaka amagulitsa Hex n'kudzazilumikiza wamanja Kukula Anchor kopanda Anchor n'kudzazilumikiza , tawalonjeza kuyesa wamkulu wathu kukulanditsa ndi mkulu khalidwe ndi katundu ndi ntchito ndalama.
Ogwira ntchito athu kuyambira penipeni, zambiri za mankhwala khalidwe pamwamba moyo ntchito mobwerezabwereza patsogolo zotsimikizira luso, kusintha kwa mankhwala kwambiri ndi mosalekeza kulimbikitsa ogwira ntchito okwana apamwamba makonzedwe, mogwirizana ndi zonse mitundu muyezo ISO 9001: 2000 chifukwa Anchor ,Hex n'kudzazilumikiza wamanja Kukula Anchor ,kopanda Anchor n'kudzazilumikiza , Our company considers that selling is not only to gain profit but also popularize the culture of our company to the world. So we've been working hard to provide you the wholehearted service and willing to present you the most competitive price in the market
Wamanja mtundu kuwonjezeka nangula akapichi Udindo kunagwa Kukula Anchor m
Expansion bolt" is a generic term that refers to three fastening components combined together: a threaded bolt, a properly sized nut and an expanding sleeve assembly. When assembled together, the force generated between the nut and bolt (when tightened) forces the outward expansion of the sleeve assembly, thus gripping the material the sleeve is embedded into. They are most commonly used in porous materials such as brick, concrete and stone applications where traditional threading cannot be created. Expansion bolts are easy to install once the general operational theory is understood, and may be used in extra heavy duty applications where gripping power is paramount.
Kagwiritsidwe ntchito Kukula akapichi
Kudziwa zimene kukula kuwonjezeka bawuti chofunika kwa ntchito yanu. A unsembe wamba Kupeza ndi miyendo zitsulo za makina ndi simenti, Mwachitsanzo, angafune wina kuwonjezeka bawuti pa mwendo, ndi wina bawuti kuwonjezeka 3/8 inchi lonse ndi mainchesi 3 yaitali.
Gawo 2
Mark the location of the expansion bolt locations on the floor--this is where the bolt will be secured to the floor. Most heavy duty machines have holes pre-drilled in their feet (legs) for just this purpose. Mark the location of all anchors on the concrete at one time with a marker, so that they are all aligned correctly relative to one another.
Gawo 3
kubowola yoyenera kukula ndi kuya dzenje lililonse nangula. Kukula olondola a dzenje adzakhala umaperekedwa ndi Mlengi wa nangula bawuti, zambiri zaikidwa bwino pa bokosi. Ulamuliro wa chala chachikulu kuti kwa 1/4 inchi nangula, ntchito 1/2 inchi kubowola pang'ono; kwa 3/8 inchi nangula, ntchito 5/8 inchi kubowola pang'ono, etc. Kuya kwa una anatsimikiza mwa kuonetsetsa nati akhoza angagwirizanitse kwa bawuti (nangula) ndi threading zokwanira otsala kotero kuti akhoza torqued mokwanira ( Nthawi zambiri ziwiri zathunthu 360 digiri ankasinthana a mtedza wa).
Gawo 4
Ikani nangula mdzenje. Onetsetsani nangula wakhazikika pa pansi penipeni pa dzenje chisanadze mokhomerera akuyendera. Pang'ono pang'ono ndikupeza nangula (ntchito nyundo) mpaka mudzaone ndi mu malo ake oyenera. Chotsani nati kwa nangula. Lotsatira, Ikani nangula chida kuyenda pamwamba pa nangula m'manda (chida adzaukitsidwa ndi nangula (s) zida). Menya nangula chida mwamphamvu nthawi zitatu kapena zinai, umene kukuza nangula malaya n'kulola kuti ndondomeko kuwonjezeka kuyamba kamodzi nati ali omangika.
Gawo 5
Ikani wathandizidwa kudzera chipangizo kukhala wotetezeka ndipo kenako mu nangula (omwe akadali m'manda). Kumangitsa nati kwa kuchuluka Napempha kwa makokedwe, kapena mpaka zolimba ngati palibe specifications makokedwe zilipo.
Nkhani kusintha
Always use the manufacturer's specified drill size when drilling anchor holes. If sized improperly, the anchor may not be of sufficient strength to hold the anchored device securely (the anchor will be too loose).
Kodi sunathe-makokedwe mtedza wa. Izo chithunzithunzi wathandizidwa kuchokera pansi pa nkhani imene nangula agulidwa.
mankhwala Sonyezani