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  • Zinc Plated Steel Jack Nut with/without Screw

    Zinc Plated Steel Jack Nut with/without Screw

  • Plasterboard Expansion Screw

    Plasterboard Expansion Screw

    zinc yellow expansion screw use to plasterboard.   usage method as this picture.   Size: 12*30 12*40  packing: bags or cartons, request by customer  

  • DIN127 woxers molla rebbiegħa azzar woxers lock fabbrika Ċina

    DIN127 woxers molla azzar rebbiegħa lock woxers ...

    Product Description Product name DIN127 steel spring washers spring lock washers Size M2-M30, can be customized Standard ISO,GB,DIN,BS,ANSI, JIS,Nonstandard Grade 4.8/ 6.8/ 8.8/ 10.9/ 12.9 Available Material 1. Stainless Steel: SS201, SS303, SS304, SS316, SS410, SS420 2. Steel: C45(K1045), C46(K1046), C20,etc. 3. Brass: C36000 ( C26800), C37700 ( HPb59), C38500( HPb58), C27200CuZn37), C28000(CuZn40),etc. 4. Bronze: C51000, C52100, C54400, etc. 5. Iron: 1213, 12L14, 1215, e...

  • Tnaqqis fil ankra għall-bini tal-konkrit

    Tnaqqis fil ankra għall-bini tal-konkrit

     Galvanized M8-M20 Wedge Anchor, yellow zinc or white zinc, all size in stock Product Description Drop in anchor bolts is also known as implosion, which a small steel columns inside it, female cap thread in the end, screwed into the drilled hole in the wall, the small steel columns are constantly squeezed, the head burst open to generated frictional force with wall, fix into the wall solidly. The materials are stainless steel, carbon steel and other metal materials. Application for fixing co...

  • DIN 603 Ġarr Bolt

    DIN 603 Ġarr Bolt

     Carriage Bolts 316 Stainless Steel Product Description Carriage bolts are divided into large round head carriage bolts (corresponding to standard GB / T14 and DIN603) and small round head carriage bolts (corresponding to standard GB / T12-85) according to head size. A carriage bolt, a type of fastener consisting of a head and a screw (a cylinder with external threads), needs to cooperate with a nut to fasten two parts with through holes. Generally speaking, bolts are used to connect two obj...

  • Fabbrika forniment dirett azzar tal-karbonju-żingu ġewż rebbiegħa indurati

    Fabbrika forniment dirett azzar tal-karbonju żingu indurati ...

    Product name: Galvanized Metal Channel Strut Spring Nut Size: M2-M48, according to customer's demand Grade: 4.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, A2-70, A4-80 Standard: ISO, GB, BS, DIN, ANSI,JIS, Non-standard   1. Stainless steel: 201,303,304,316,410 2. Carbon steel: C1006,C1010,C1018,C1022,C1035K,C1045 3. Copper: H62,H65,H68 4. Aluminum: 5056, 6061, 6062, 7075 5. According to customer demand Surface treatment:  Zn- Plated,Ni-plated,Passivated,Tin-plated,Sandblast and Anodize,Pol...

  • Carbon Steel Iswed banjat slotted Rebbiegħa Pinnijiet DIN 1481

    Carbon Steel Iswed banjat slotted Rebbiegħa Pinnijiet d ...

    Ċertifikat: ISO9001; SGS, 3-1 ĊERTIFIKATI standard: DIN1481 GB879 ISO8752 Daqs: M0.5-M30 jew U aħna wkoll jistgħu apposta għalik, jekk għandek rekwiżit speċjali. Klassi jew Grad: Klassi / grad 4,5,6,8,10,12, SUS201, SUS304, Materjal: 1.karbonju Azzar: C1008 / C1010 / C1015 / C1030 / 1035/1045 / 40Cr 2. Stainless Steel: AISI304, AISI316, AISI316L irfinar: 1.Plain jew protettiv żejt. 2.Zinc Miksijin: Ikteb, l-Iswed, Blue, Isfar, CR3 +, CR + 6 3.Chrome, HDG, nikil Ippakkjar: Normali ...

  • Metall Frame Ankra Bejgħ bl-ingrossa Top Kwalità Carbon Steel DoorMetal Frame ankra Qafliet

    Metall Frame Ankra Bejgħ bl-ingrossa Top Kwalità tal-Karbonju ...

     Metall Frame Ankra Top Kwalità Gb Standard Ankra Qafliet Dettalji L ankra qafas huwa tip ġdid ta 'qfil b'żipp ta' effiċjenza għolja, li tista 'tiffissa sod l-magni, bibien u twieqi, partijiet strutturali, tagħmir jew apparat differenti fuq il-ħajt, bażi jew fondazzjoni konkreti. Minħabba l-vantaġġi ta 'użu frejm ankra, bħal installazzjoni sempliċi, fissazzjoni ditta, kostruzzjoni effiċjenti, eċċ, aktar u industriji aktar jagħżlu Gecko tieqa bħala l-ewwel għażla ta' rbit żero għall correspo ...

  • Wedge Ankra Abjad Żingu Miksijin Permezz Ankri Bolt

    Wedge Ankra Abjad Żingu Miksijin Permezz Bolt ANC ...

     Galvanized M8-M20 Wedge Anchor, yellow zinc or white zinc, all size in stock Details The anchor is manufactured with a zinc plated carbon steel body and expansion clip for premium performance. Nut and washer are included. The one piece clip is formed around anchor , assuring full expansion for dependable , superior holding power. Expanding clip will not fall off in the hole . This product is designed for consistent performance in cracked and uncracked concrete. Suitable base materials inclu...

  • DIN 912 Bolt Socket Viti Kap Kap Allen Bolt

    DIN 912 Bolt Socket Viti Kap Kap Allen Bolt

    Deskrizzjoni Stainless Steel Socket Kap Kap Invita Prodott viti ras sokit eżagonali, imsemmi wkoll bħala boltijiet ras sokit b'ħeksagon, viti tazza ras u viti ras sokit b'ħeksagon, huma msejħa b'mod differenti, iżda li jfisser l-istess. Ġeneralment viti ras użati sokit b'ħeksagon huma 4.8, 8.8, 10.9, u 12.9. Imsejħa wkoll kamin socket eżagonu, imsejħa wkoll b'ħeksagon socket bolt. prinċipali tagħha huwa ras eżagonali u wkoll ras ċilindriku. Hemm l-istainless steel u ħadid b'materjal. ha istainless steel ...

  • DIN 933/931 galvanizzati Hex Bolt

    DIN 933/931 galvanizzati Hex Bolt

     Steel Hex Head Bolt Product Description DIN933 is a German standard bolt with specifications from M1.6 to M52 and a length from 2mm to 200mm. Bolts: mechanical parts, cylindrical threaded fasteners with nuts. A type of fastener consisting of a head and a screw (a cylinder with external threads), which need to cooperate with a nut to fasten and connect two parts with through holes. This type of connection is called a bolted connection. If the nut is unscrewed from the bolt, the two parts can...

  • B'ħeksagon ħanek Kap Bolt

    B'ħeksagon ħanek Kap Bolt

     Deskrizzjoni Din6921 Hex ħanek Bolt ħanek Bolt Prodott Il-bolt ħanek hija bolt integrata li tikkonsisti ras eżagonali u flanġ (siegla taħt il b'ħeksagon u fixing eżagonali) u screw (ċilindru ma 'ħjut esterni). Qabbad iż-żewġ partijiet permezz toqba. Dan it-tip ta 'konnessjoni tissejjaħ connection.If imbarrat l-iskorfina huwa unscrewed mill-bolt, iż-żewġ partijiet jistgħu jiġu separati mill-ġdid, sabiex il-konnessjoni bolt hija konnessjoni jinqalgħu. Klassifikazzjoni: 1. ras eżagonali ...