Għażla Massiva għal Cm Flat Flat Screw [Żingu iswed Plated Nickel] Electronic Screw Notebook Computer Screw M1.4m2m2.5m3.
The key to our success is "Good Products Good quality, Reasonable Price and Efficient Service" for Massive Selection for Cm Flat Head Screw [black Zinc Plated Nickel] Electronic Screw Notebook Computer Screw M1.4m2m2.5m3., We constantly regard the technology and clients as the uppermost. We often get the job done hard to develop great values for our buyers and supply our buyers superior products and solutions & services.
The key to our success is "Good Products Good quality, Reasonable Price and Efficient Service" for kamin tal-fann tal-kompjuter ,kamin bl-intestatura tal-koppla ,elettroniku żgħir, Each product is carefully made, it will make you satisfied. Our merchandise in the production process have got strictly monitored, because it is only to supply you the best quality, we'll feel confident. High production costs but low prices for our long-term cooperation. You can have a variety choices and the value of all types are same reliable. If you have any question, do not hesitate to ask us.
Ippakkjar dettall: basktijiet / kartun imbagħad fil pallet jew apposta
Payment: T/T, Western union...
Kunsinna: Billi baħar, bl-ajru, jesprimu servizz
Invita tipikament magħmula mill-metall, u kkaratterizzata minn linja spirali, magħrufa bħala ħajt maskili (ħajt estern). Viti huma wżati għall-materjali jaqflu mill jħaffru fil u jservi ta 'feles fi materjal meta mdawwar, filwaqt li l-iskanalaturi qatgħat ħajt fil-materjal maqfula li jista jgħinu pull materjali maqfulin flimkien u jipprevjenu pull out. Hemm ħafna viti għal varjetà ta 'materjali; dawk komunement tinqafel viti tinkludix injam, metall folja, u plastik.
viti magna
ASME standards specify a variety of "Machine Screws" in diameters ranging up to 0.75 in (19.05 mm). These fasteners are often used with nuts but also often driven into tapped holes (without nuts). They might be considered a screw or a bolt based on the Machinery's Handbook distinzjoni. Fil-prattika, dawn għandhom tendenza li jkunu aktar disponibbli f'daqsijiet iżgħar u l-daqsijiet iżgħar huma msemmija bħala viti jew inqas ambigwu bħala viti magna, għalkemm xi tipi ta 'magni li jinvitaw jistgħu jkunu riferuti bħala boltijiet stufi.
Fabbrika Introduzzjoni:
Our factory named Hebei Ruiye Fasteners Manufacturing CO.,LTD. It is located in Handan, Hebei, China. We focus on developing , producing and selling of non-standard fasteners, standard fasteners . Mainly produce anchor, nut, bolt, washer, screw and thread rod... We have 10 years experience on fasteners selling. We have professional technicist and advanced machine. The key for our success is providing good-quality product and efficient service. Consistently supervised by the management principle of Honest, Unity, Efficient and Innovation, regarding high quality products, excellent customer service and competitive price as our company's business concept.
Kwalunkwe rekwiżit jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana.