Ċina DIN 929 Hex weldjatura Ġewż / DIN 928 Pjazza weldjatura Manifattur Ġewż & Fornitur | Ruiye

DIN 929 Hex weldjatura Ġewż / DIN 928 Pjazza weldjatura Ġewż

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

1. Materjal: Stainless Steel, azzar liga, Carbon Steel, ram, Aluminum u Allura fuq

2. wiċċ Finish: Passivate, l-Iswed Ossidu, taż-żingu Kisi, nikil plating, dacromet Kisi

3. Daqs: Skond Tpinġija jew Kampjuni

4. standard: Skond Tpinġija jew Kampjuni



Dettall tal-prodott

prodott Tags

Welding nut is a kind of nut suitable for welding outside the nut. It is generally made of weldable materials
and is thick and suitable for welding. Welding is equivalent to turning two separate parts into one body. 
The metal is melted at high temperature and mixed After cooling down together, an alloy will be added in
the middle. The internal force is the role of molecular force, and the strength is generally greater than the
strength of the matrix. The experiment of welding parameters depends on the fusion size of the weld, 
and the welding parameters are adjusted according to the fusion size until the defects are eliminated. 
Of course, the quality of welding is related to the pre-welding treatment, such as cleaning, oil stains, etc.

A weld nut is a special type of nut specifically designed to be welded to another object (stud welding). 
There are various types for different applications.

Hex & ġewż kwadru

Dawn ġewż huma simili ħafna għal kwadru jew hex ġewż standard, iżda għandhom boxxla lokalizzati u projezzjonijiet iwweldjar. -Pumijiet iżommu wkoll weldjatura spatter mill-ħjut



Q1.Can inti tipprovdi servizz customization?

A. Iva, JM inizjalment timmanifattura boltijiet standard, skorfini, viti, iżda fl-aħħar 11-il sena, JM diġà żviluppat b'suċċess 580 partijiet apposta f'daqsijiet differenti 


Q2.What dokumenti ta 'żdoganar jista inti tipprovdi? 

A.Generally, aħna nipprovdu fatturi kummerċjali, listi ippakkjar, poloz, ċertifikati ta 'spezzjoni, rapport tat-test tal-azzar u CO (jekk meħtieġ). Jekk għandek ħtiġiet speċjali oħra, jekk jogħġbok għarrafna, u aħna se jsibu soluzzjoni għall you.JM hija kapaċi tipprovdi partijiet apposta mhux biss ma 'proċess wieħed, iżda wkoll ma' varjetà flimkien snajja. .


Q3.Does kull parti miżata apposta ħtieġa moffa? 

A. partijiet Mhux kollha customized ispiża miżata moffa. Per eżempju, parti tidwir ma jkunx jeħtieġ moffa iżda teħtieġ l-għodod u attrezzaturi xierqa. JM tonfoq ispejjeż tax-xogħol fit-teħid ta 'kampjuni, għalhekk ħlasijiet ċerti fees.It kampjun se jiġu ritornati wara t-tqegħid ta' ordni

 Q4.Where huma fabbriki tiegħek, jista 'jkolli żjara? 

A. JM għandha factories.We tagħha investew fil-fabbriki multipli, li huma prinċipalment jinsabu fil Shanghai u Zhejiang Provinċja. Tista 'żżur il-fabbriki korrispondenti jiddependi fuq il-prodotti li għandhom jinxtraw. Nitolbok li tħossok liberu li jżuru fabbriki tagħna u jagħtu gwida. Nistgħu pick up inti fl-eqreb ajruport jew ferrovija istazzjon.






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  • Ikteb messaġġ tiegħek hawn u jibagħtu lill magħna

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